“Ed Coach allowed me to reflect deeply on my own teaching practices…my students have benefitted.” ~ Johanna

For teachers.

Inspired teachers have the ability to leave a lasting impression on individual lives; the positive effects extend outwards, changing minds, families, communities and maybe even the world, one student at a time – but teachers can’t pour from an empty cup.

When teachers are called upon to step up, give more, do things differently and go beyond in so many ways, the only way for dedicated teachers to meet these demands and maintain their own essential well-being is with support.

At Ed Coach, we listen (we truly listen!), we understand and we address teachers’ needs. Through workshops, coaching and mentoring, established teachers can navigate, regenerate, rediscover and sustain their joy and purpose of practice, while new teachers get the opportunity to see best practice in action and be a part of the excellence.

Ed Coach is a well from which they can all dip to brainstorm, keep current and remain inspired.